I have encountered my fair share of challenges in the week with regards to my pledge to veganism. On Friday, my students earned an ice cream party for being the top collectors of non-perishible food for the food pantry. Instead of just ice cream, the PTO bought us a giant ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Yum-O! I of course, with my will power of steel, refrained from having any. I think the kids were just excited because it meant bigger pieces for them.
Not to say that I haven't had cravings or questioned what it is that I'm doing, but this time around it is MUCH easier to hold my ground. I still can't quite put my finger on why - because I only made the year commitment? Because I have used the label 'vegan'? Because I have told everyone and their grandmother about my experiment? Regardless, I am still going strong and have not cheated (knowingly) even once.
I celebrated my first week completed and proudly told Matt, "One week down and only 51 more to go!" It would figure that this year is a leap year, but what's one more day?
For anyone looking into the vegan lifestyle or just starting out, I would highly recommend Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's book, Vegan's Daily Companion. I know I sort of made fun of it earlier, but all in all it is a great inspiration and a daily reminder of the greater good I am working towards.
Peace, love, and plant-based food!
Go, Sarah!